I love seeing how everyone changes up these easy to find and inexpensive brass, builders special chandeliers. When I stumbled on this one I couldn't wait to make it pretty.
I wiped it down, taped off the electrical components and then spray primed it. Here is what it looked like before, not exactly since I forgot to take a pic but you get the idea.
I sprayed it with Krylon's Ballet Slipper Pink and hit Michaels for some shiny pearls and sparkly iridescent beads and lastly to Joanne's fabrics for material to make a cord cover. The cover was so easy to make and that is coming from someone who doesn't sew.
I strung the beads on to jewelry beading wire which we had hanging around from my daughters short lived jewelry making days. I did most of the beading in the car on the way up to Giants Stadium. Gotta love a girl who can craft on the go! FYI, I did not bead while tailgating although it did cross my mind more than once but the BF would not allow it :( What a killjoy, HA!

I attempted to drill through the brass to secure the beads but that just wasn't happening. So, I adhered them with E-6000 and held them in place with little clamps I had hiding in the back of the junk drawer from the days of the dreaded toothpick bridge project. Bringing back awful memories that are best left tucked away in my brain never to resurface again. As I was doing this, I was thinkin' clothes pins would be perfect to accomplish the same thing.
I didn't feel much like wiring it up to have the lights working so here it is hanging from our parakeets, Lucy and Charlie's cage hook. I think I'll add some little shades to it. A project for the upcoming weekend :)
A few months later, with not a one project waiting for me, I decided to jazz and bling this up a little more.
I added some french cut prisms and dressed up the candelabra bulb holders with different yet coordinating fabric. |
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