You know what I'm referring to....chalk paint. Well, I held out and didn't buy any. Yes, it was killing me. Instead I waited patiently for Christmas. And what do you know, I received the three that were on my wish list....DE, Old White and Paris Gray. Guess someones been behaving :) I used the OW first and I'll tell ya, wasn't happy with it. It went on very thick and left tons of brush marks.Then I tried the Duck Egg and oh, I love it. I especially love no sanding and priming. This went on smooth and creamy. So what's up with the OW???
Here are my tester projects...
Set of candlesticks which happily sold in a day in my Etsy shop. Maybe Annie is on to something :) |
Someone needs new photo props. |
Happy flea market find. |
And the sea shell props one more time just in case ya missed 'em in the last two pics. |
I love this one!!! |
I just started a vanity/writing desk in Paris Gray. That one is going on nice too. Maybe I got a bad batch of OW or maybe I should add some water...thoughts???
Linking up here...

"Someone needs some new photo props" made ma laugh out loud :) Been there. Anyways, I have old white and it is definitely thicker than the other colors. I just finished painting a chair with it this morning actually! If it left brush strokes try just lightly sanding and that should help. Especially if it went on real thick. I haven't tried watering it down so I can't really help there, but I would think that would work.....?
The old white does go own slightly thicker. I don't know why. I use a foam brush with it to help eliminate the brush strokes.
You're so funny Sue! I love that shuttered cabinet!
I've been having massive issues with Old White. Its chipped and cracked. It thicker and leaves brush marks. The other colors I have haven't done that at all. I'm seriously displeased with Old White.
Love the props though!
Yay! I'm glad you gave the cp a try! Love how everything turned out!
i love how you painted and decorated your little cabinet!
new follower.
cheryl x
Love your cute lil'cabinet :)
Greetings from Australia♥
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