For the glue gunner and spray adhesive kinda girl...
A happy accident...I'm at Joanne's and have this "Idaho Potato" burlap and this other kinda elegant looking fabric in my hands. I drop 'em down at the register and they look like they were meant to be together. Elegant meets rustic just look awesome together.
A happy accident...I'm at Joanne's and have this "Idaho Potato" burlap and this other kinda elegant looking fabric in my hands. I drop 'em down at the register and they look like they were meant to be together. Elegant meets rustic just look awesome together.
I cut out the black fabric to standard place mat size...14" x 18"....googled that piece of info. Then cut the burlap 12" x 16". I used Loctite Spray Adhesive to put them together. It says it's water and heat resistant...hmmm we shall see when I run them through the washing machine. Added my favorite stencil to the center and done!
Linking up here...

Linking up here...