Monday, November 26, 2012

Friends With Benefits...Part 2

Remember my last post? When I was all happy and bragging about my French Provincial cheapo finds. Well, I finished the matching highboy earlier. They don't match anymore, I refinished them differently. Which look do you prefer?

Here's the highboy before I hit it with my brush. Love that no priming and sanding are required with ASCP.

One pull was missing. This seems to be the story of my outdated furniture life. You can see I puttied up the existing holes w/ my favorite Quik Wood and drilled a new one in the center where glass pulls from Home Goods will go.

See that little disc under the left foot. I highly recommend, they are amazing if you move furniture around. They cost about 8 bucks for a pack of well spent.

 I went with Paris Gray and accents of Old White. I don't have a whole lot of CP to choose from but Christmas is coming friends :) 

I'll leave you with this "what's wrong w/ this picture" from my super sweet daughter Michelle's 17th Birthday.

Yup, we're just a nice normal family!

Have a happy day!

Linking up here...

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Oh please don't make me pick a favorite - I love them both! And that little design around the knobs - gorgeous!

  2. Good Lord! It is so pretty. Love the shape of the highboy. The last picture...too funny! Thank you for sharing. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. Happy Birthday Michelle! I hate normal families anyway and yours looks like a ton of fun! I love this dresser, the little stencil around the knob detail is the perfect touch...So cute!! And I love the color


  4. If it weren't for the missing handle, you wouldn't have the best part - the glass knobs and stencil. So sweet.

  5. We provide you quality wallpapers including Free Pictures These pictures are awesome and you can share it Friends with Benefits Pictures.


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