Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pink and My Baby Turns 15

 I have 2 more of these hangin' around and needed a break from blues and grays. This had some issues. Missing trim which I attempted to replicate with this method which was a big fail. So, I took a hammer and chisel and thought of my ex as I banged the head of the chisel and removed it. Shame but whatcha gonna do? The trim not the ex.

Sanded, primed and painted in an oops shade of pink and added a touch of orange to give it a more coral pink color. Glazed a little in the trim areas and changed out the top pulls to some fun polka dot ones I scored at Home Goods.

            Went to Joanne's and picked out fabric to the line the drawers while my daughter, Julia, her sister, Michelle, and friends celebrated Julia's 15th Birthday at the hibachi place across the street.

There they are pre-habachi and Joanne's. My girls have a great group of GF's . So nice they share the same friends.

Seems they are using my clock table to place the gifts, hmmmm.

I think I love the inside of this more than the outside.

Hope you all have a happy weekend. Gonna be a hot one in NJ!

Linking up here...


  1. Get out of TOWN! I never would've guessed you were old enough to have a 15 year old! You look younger than I do! Gorgeous dresser....the fabric makes it!

  2. hey, happy birthday to the chicklet!
    great pink, love the paper too.

    my kids are coming home tomorrow, woo hoo!

  3. I saw this on Miss Mustard Seed's Friday link up. I didn't think I was going to like it from the link photo, but I love it. Great job.

  4. I love the black and white drawer lining with the pink! Looks great!

  5. Great job! I love the pink you chose, and I super love the fabric drawer lining. I just repainted my dresser but haven't got around to putting fabric in the drawers yet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful furniture with us!

  6. love the dresser and i would love to feature it, if that would be ok with you please let me know,

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  9. I will try this Saturday! ! This will be my first project!


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