Friday, December 7, 2012

Dark and Dated

I shouldn't have been looking on Craigslist. My garage is packed with furniture waiting for its big day. But I did and immediately found this set reasonably priced and only 20 minutes away. Had it been further I wouldn't have had the phone in my hand ready to take a ride.

I'm obsessed a bit with this color...Louis Blue and Paris Gray mixed.

The tops were shiny formica/laminate so I sanded them and gave 'em a quick spray of oil based primer. I know you don't have to do this w/ ASCP but I didn't want to take a chance of them getting scratched up.
 Here they are lighter and brighter....

Have a great weekend!

Linking up here...

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Very nice! I gasped when I saw what you did with these pieces. They are so pretty!

  2. This is fabulous. Love the color combination and I'm so glad I found your link at Miss Mustard Seed. Patti - Old Things New Blog

  3. I also love this color combo - it's so clean and crisp. Awesome makeover. Found you thourh Elizabeth and Co......

  4. Yummy! Love the custom mix, it's soo pretty! You sound a lot like me, others than the name ;) you know full garage but still looking for great deals! Found you at Domestically Speaking! - Susan


So nice to hear from you...