Monday, August 20, 2012

Doing Jack

Everybody is doing Jack...painting Jack that is.

 I will not be doing another Jack any time soon. What a complete drag taping off. Seemed so easy when my blogging friends did it. It was not.

Here's what I started with...
See him sitting in front of the desk? This pic was taken for bragging purposes on my FB page. Yup, I have no shame. What a great junking day that was :)
Back to Jack. There was a bit of cursing involved but it is done. I will tell you this, when I see those awesome dressers w/ UJ I appreciate them so much more.

Linking up here...



  1. OMG did you see the post I did a while back on painting the Union Jack, I hated it! Yep, I did my first and last one! Yours looks great!


  2. Okay its after 1am and I have to pull myself away from your blog! Another awesome piece. Thanks so much for sharing your talents.
    Barbe *good night/morning* : )

  3. Love your post and how candid you were about it's level of difficulty. Some don't appreciate all that goes into it, but I do!
    Would love you to share at my blog My Monday Muse
    Have a great day!

  4. Wow, wish we could find such beautiful pieces here in Alaska. Such gorgeous transformations on your blog...this is my first visit. Will be back!


So nice to hear from you...