Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Mirror That Almost Became A Chalkboard

I am so glad I didn't chalkboard this one and I have my cyberspace blogging friends to thank.Your input made me rethink my plan. The mirror belonged to this dresser. It was all spotty and silver streaked but had a beveled edge and beautiful carving. I stashed it away for another day. Today was the day and I love it and will NOT be selling it. It's going above my fireplace.
Yup, some turquoise stuff going on and an oddly shaped leg.
No primer just sanded and dry brushed one of my favorite oops paints and glazed in charcoal.

Did I mention I'm keeping this one for me :)

Linking up here...


  1. Lovely! I'm so glad you didn't destroy that wonderful mirror. That beveling and in that shape is priceless! I love the transformation and I don't blame you one bit for keeping it.

    Have a lovely week!

  2. Thanks for visiting. Came over to peek at you ;)

    Love the mirror. I would definitely have a hard time parting with it too. Bet it will look fabulous over a fireplace!

  3. Pretty mirror and I don't blame you for keeping it...it's really a pretty mirror!


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