Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Easy No Sew Place Mats

For the glue gunner and spray adhesive kinda girl...

A happy accident...I'm at Joanne's and have this "Idaho Potato" burlap and this other kinda elegant looking fabric in my hands. I drop 'em down at the register and they look like they were meant to be together. Elegant meets rustic just look awesome together.

I cut out the black fabric to standard place mat size...14" x 18"....googled that piece of info. Then cut the burlap 12" x 16". I used Loctite Spray Adhesive to put them together. It says it's water and heat resistant...hmmm we shall see when I run them through the washing machine. Added my favorite stencil to the center and done!

Linking up here...

 Beyond The Picket Fence

Keeping It Simple


 Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. Sue, they are perfect...I have so many "Accident projects" I feel like I have some crafting angel that hoovers over me! You must have borrowed them for the day!


  2. You're right. This is a perfect combination. I love the look. And so easy. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love a good no-sew project!!! Your placemats look fab!
    thanks for linking up and linking back to catch as catch can.
    catching you this week.

  4. Love them! Have you washed them yet?? Let me know when you do. I sew love no sew! ;-)

  5. They are so pretty. I love the rustic and elegant together. I'd be interested how they wash. I didn't think you could wash burlap.


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