Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Warped Shelf

This nightstand was thrown in as a freebie when I bought its matching dresser and mirror. Nothing is free friends....the lower shelf was completely warped. No wonder the woman I bought it from so graciously gave this to me. Not that I mind of course :)

Now I must remove the shelf without causing further damage. I don't have any "real" saws so I used this rotary tool which I love for sanding detailed areas and simple cuts.
I'm now left with the above....a very messy leg.

I took a piece of scrap wood and cut off small pieces to block off the holes on the legs where the shelf used to sit.
I left one side open to fill w/ wood filler. Make sure to put a piece of painters tape on the inside of the wood where contact will be made w/ filler or you will NEVER get the mold/wood off.
Mix up some of this stuff that smells wonderful. Grab a plastic knife and cram into the hole. Patiently wait....remove mold thingie.
Sand it back and you're good to go. This stuff dries rock hard so don't wait too long to sand. I waited about half an hour. 

My free, long curvy legged, shelfless nightstand....

Thanks for popping in! 

Linking up here...

 shabby creek cottage


  1. Once again it is fabulous...A little warped wood won't stop you!!


  2. I just found your blog and looked at every post. I love your work and pinned a number of your items. Can't wait to see what you do next.

  3. Thanks for the info on how to fill a giant hole. I think it came out perfect!

  4. What was that white stuff that looked like toothpaste that you used with the wood filler?

  5. Craft Queen has good question. What is that white stuff? Trade secret?
    Your side table is one of the prettiest &charming pieces I've seen. Great filler tip, too.
    & Thanks for the HT on selling online.

  6. The white stuff comes with the filler. It's the agent that makes it dry super hard and sands out super smooth. I tried to respond to Craft Queen and Marje but girls you have no reply comment blogger enabled so we can't reach you. Hope you see this! :)

  7. Glad to have subscribed to new comments so I got your message about me being no reply commenter. Can you tell me how to fix that? thanks.
    So the white stuff is more or less and epoxy mix??
    I'll have to be sure to get both parts. I'm going to use it to make the missing half of a foot on a f. prov. dresser in the garage. You are wonderful!!!! Just in the nick of time! M

  8. Found the answer to the no reply problem.
    Might take me awhile to think of a blog title, but eventually I'll think of a name not taken. Then I'll fix this problem w/help of blogger.

    Nothing like being pushed into the blog world!!! LOL

  9. A lot of people don't realize the no reply thing and then they probably wonder why no one responds''''thinkin we're just a bunch of rude women out here :)Anyway, the white stuff comes with the wood won't think it's in there but it is under the lid so you don't need to buy two separate things.

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