Friday, February 25, 2011

Pretty Please w/ a Cherry on Top :)

 Yay me, I'm a finalist for February's Saturday Mornings blog. Very cool and since I never win, ok, that's a stretch. In fact, I do crazy well at the craps tables in AC and roulette too. That's Atlantic City for the non East Coasters. But I have never won anything, nope not a thing, in blog world. So hop on over here and check it out and of course voting for me certainly wouldn't hurt either :) Then maybe I'll bring you to AC w/ me and I'll show you how to roll those dice, win a little $ and we can hit the thrift stores together!


  1. Hey Sue! It's so funny because I went over there to vote for someone, and I recognized your adorable table, so I already voted for you!!!!
    Kim :)

  2. Off to vote!

    Have a great weekend! xx


So nice to hear from you...