Monday, August 8, 2011

Demi Lune Table and Friday Flea Market Finds!

I was walking around the Flea market on Friday and found nothing, big fat ZERO! Until I rounded the last aisle of potential goodies.....crap in other peoples world...not in mine, not in yours.
This is what I found...
Free for me! Seems the vendor left his crap goodies behind because it was so hot!
Yup, has some major veneer issues that I plan on just yanking off. See I started already.

Cute 5 dollar nightstand...woo hoo! Love redoing nightstands!

Accent table which I think I just may mosaic. It's been way too long!

And lastly this very cool, carved demi lune table. The vendor wanted $15 for this and $10 for the one above. I offered, $20 for both...accepted! Ohhh I feel like I am an on American pickers sometimes. LOVE that show!!
Here's what I did w/ the demi lune. I painted it blue/gray and then glazed it. How could you not glaze this w/the beautiful carved leaf motif, right?
Unglazed and someone's house is a wreck. So much for staging, ha! This looks way grayer than it is.

Glazed...still not showing its true color....stupid camera :)

Well, it's American Pickers time so time for me to park it on the couch! If you've never checked that show out, you must....9:00 Central time on the History Channel!

Linking up here...


  1. Ah-mazing finds at even better prices!! Loving that last table!

  2. I love that table...and American Pickers! :)

  3. Whoa, that table looks completely amazing now! And, I HATE veneer, rip that stuff off and make that chair to die for!


  4. Some amazing pieces, wow! I'll be stopping by your blog more often for inspiration.

  5. I am currently working on the exact same chair! but mine is not damaged. Do you have and after pic? Love your blog. Stumbled hear by looking up "starting a furniture painting business". I'm seriously thinking about it here in Toronto.


So nice to hear from you...